The Long and Arduous Journey...Explained
So here's the thing...
and this goes for everyone who plans to support me in this journey...
I don't do Fad Diets. What works for others has not worked for me. I go the plain old "eat right and exercise right" route. I may get ornery and nasty along the way, but I do appreciate the support. Sometimes all I need is a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, or some applause. Please be patient with me and do NOT take it personally if I don't use your ideas.
I have a lot of experience with various weight loss programs and the only one that has been successful for me is the one where I just do it with eating less (and more healthy), counting calories, and exercising. Please don't try to sell me on the wonders of chocolate, Acai berries, powdered chili/eggs/pancakes/etc, or juice/shakes. None of them fit my style.
I don't eat because I'm hungry, I eat because I feel like eating. Sometimes it's out of boredom, other times it's because of stress, and other times it's just plain force of habit. Getting me to "feel full" hasn't worked. I think that trigger is missing from my brain.
I can't spend money on this either, which is why I like to use the free gym at work and just modify my habits. Since most insurance companies in Utah are stupid, bariatric surgery of any kind is out of the question, too. (Gastric Bypass, Lap Band, etc). I need to do this spending as little extra $$ as possible. I have 6 kids, one of which is preparing to leave on a mission for two years, another of which is in his senior year of HS and will be heading off to college soon, so that's where most of my extra funds go.
I do appreciate everyone who wishes to join me on this journey. But I can tell you now, it's going to require some true (not fair-weather) friendship. I can be difficult, stubborn, lazy and overall a pain in the tuckus to work with. My schedule isn't always conducive to going to the gym at convenient times, and my health doesn't allow me to do all the Pilates, Tae Bo, P90X stuff. I just have to do basic cardio and basic weights.
Thank you all who dare to venture forth with me. Please be patient and know that I love and care for each of you no matter how I may act along the journey. Hopefully the end justifies the means.
Here we go.
So here's the thing...
and this goes for everyone who plans to support me in this journey...
I don't do Fad Diets. What works for others has not worked for me. I go the plain old "eat right and exercise right" route. I may get ornery and nasty along the way, but I do appreciate the support. Sometimes all I need is a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, or some applause. Please be patient with me and do NOT take it personally if I don't use your ideas.
I have a lot of experience with various weight loss programs and the only one that has been successful for me is the one where I just do it with eating less (and more healthy), counting calories, and exercising. Please don't try to sell me on the wonders of chocolate, Acai berries, powdered chili/eggs/pancakes/etc, or juice/shakes. None of them fit my style.
I don't eat because I'm hungry, I eat because I feel like eating. Sometimes it's out of boredom, other times it's because of stress, and other times it's just plain force of habit. Getting me to "feel full" hasn't worked. I think that trigger is missing from my brain.
I can't spend money on this either, which is why I like to use the free gym at work and just modify my habits. Since most insurance companies in Utah are stupid, bariatric surgery of any kind is out of the question, too. (Gastric Bypass, Lap Band, etc). I need to do this spending as little extra $$ as possible. I have 6 kids, one of which is preparing to leave on a mission for two years, another of which is in his senior year of HS and will be heading off to college soon, so that's where most of my extra funds go.
I do appreciate everyone who wishes to join me on this journey. But I can tell you now, it's going to require some true (not fair-weather) friendship. I can be difficult, stubborn, lazy and overall a pain in the tuckus to work with. My schedule isn't always conducive to going to the gym at convenient times, and my health doesn't allow me to do all the Pilates, Tae Bo, P90X stuff. I just have to do basic cardio and basic weights.
Thank you all who dare to venture forth with me. Please be patient and know that I love and care for each of you no matter how I may act along the journey. Hopefully the end justifies the means.
Here we go.
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